File of Life

File of Life

The FILE OF LIFE idea was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut a few years ago in a slightly different form as the Vial of Life, which was to be kept inside the refrigerator. But the small vial, with a piece of paper containing medical information inside of it, kept getting lost. In addition, when moisture accumulated in the vial, the information became unreadable.

In addition to the FILE OF LIFE for the refrigerator, a compact version is also available for a person to carry in a wallet or purse. A card containing the same medical information is enclosed in the plastic case that is with the person at all times.

This personal wallet size version is an invaluable resource to emergency medical teams responding to critical, life-threatening situations. Having instant access to medical facts and data can make the difference when every second counts.

The “File of Life” program is… …Economical …Effective …Efficient …Endorsed by Hospitals, EMTs, COAs, TRIAD’s, Municipal, Medical, Senior Citizen Organizations, Police, Sheriff’s, and Fire Departments. …Easy to get started. …in place in approximately 4,500 communities. …in place in over 14,000,000 homes. …throughout the United States, and growing every day.

Did you know… of all Emergency Calls are for Senior Citizens? Are they prepared for this? There’s panic,  confusion, fear, and a terrible sense of urgency and helplessness. Who is at Risk? We all are. Medical Emergencies can happen to anyone at any time. That’s why everyone needs the “File of Life”. It can make the difference between life and death.

We need your help to start saving lives in your community. With the “File of Life” there is solid information on conditions and medications. It’s written down and ready to be utilized immediately by the EMT’s.


Pick up yours today!